Not your family.

Zevo Products: Multi-Insect Spray, Zevo Insect Trap, Fly Gnat Fruit Fly Spray and Ant Roach Spider Spray

What Makes Zevo Unique?

Zevo Trap plugged into wall outlet.

Effective Elimination

Works on a broad range of crawling, flying, and stinging insects.

Zevo Multi-Insect Spray on floor next to pet cat.

Safe For Use Around People & Pets*

Our sprays are made with friendly ingredients that you can feel good about.

Mother wiping countertop while holding child in arm.


The ingredients in Zevo Sprays are inspired by plants' natural defenses against bugs.


*when used as directed

Zevo Multi-Insect Killer Spray

Zevo Insect Killer Sprays

Using a powerful blend of mint* and rosemary to kill up to 20 different bug types.

Safe for use around People & Pets (when used as directed).

Kills bugs dead, 'nuff said!

Insect Killer Sprays

Flying Insect Traps

Blue & UV light continuously attracts and traps insects to an adhesive back you never have to touch.

Keep Zevo plugged in 24/7 to protect your home day and night from pesky flying insects.

Flying Insect Traps
Zevo Trap Back With Trapped Flies Zevo Trap Front
Zevo On Body Products

Mosquito & Tick Repellent

The lightweight, not sticky formula feels good on your skin and it's odorless, so you don't bring the smell of bug spray with you as you explore the outdoors.

Up to 8 hours of protection against mosquitoes and ticks.

Mosquito & Tick Repellent

We have not found anything that works as effficiently. We wish we could buy it by the gallon


Five Stars
Zevo Multi-Insect Killer Sprays

Reviewed By

Reviewed in Popsugar Featured in Good Housekeeping Parent Tested, Parent Approved Award Featured In the Wall Street Journal